Exploring Music and Mental Health Resources in Johnson County, Kansas

Are you looking for a way to explore the music scene and mental health resources in Johnson County, Kansas? From The Bridge, Chris Haghirian and Sarah Bradshaw provide an in-depth look into the local KC music scene with interviews, new songs, and live performances. Whether you live in Johnson County or just love it, JoCo on the Go has it all. In addition to being a doctorate and teaching at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Dr. Samuel U.

Corriveau is also the star of the rock band Interstate Run. He shares his incredible taste for music and provides important information and knowledge. Dr. Corriveau is a doctor of medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center, deputy medical director of the Wyandotte County Health Center, and serves on the board of directors of the Midwest Music Foundation.

People facing temporary detention at the Adult Residential Center (ARC) in New Century, Kansas, rely on access to materials from the Johnson County Library on their path to recovery. In this episode, hear from three Johnson County veterans and get all the information you need about the county's Veterans Day event, in person. Okay, Rhianna, I understand that you graduated from the Johnson County Veterans Treatment Court last August. You'll hear from three Johnson County veterans share their military experiences and learn about the innovative Johnson County Veterans Treatment Court.

In addition to exploring music from Johnson County, Kansas, it is essential to be aware of mental health resources available in the area. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (825 Missouri Crisis Line) 1-888-761-4357 or text your hand to 839-863. Tri-County Mental Health + Zero Reasons Why provides suicide prevention and mental health resources for teens. Johnson County has a vibrant music scene with plenty of opportunities to explore and discover new music. From The Bridge offers an inside look into local KC music with interviews, new songs, and live performances.

JoCo on the Go has all you need to know about what is happening and what is to come in your community. People facing temporary detention at ARC can access materials from the Johnson County Library on their path to recovery. It is also important to be aware of mental health resources available in the area such as National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Tri-County Mental Health + Zero Reasons Why. If you are looking for a way to explore both music and mental health resources in Johnson County, Kansas, then you have come to the right place! From The Bridge provides an inside look into local KC music with interviews, new songs, and live performances. It is also essential to be aware of mental health resources available in the area such as National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Tri-County Mental Health + Zero Reasons Why. Whether you are a resident of Johnson County or just love it, there are plenty of ways for you to explore both music and mental health resources in this area.

It is also important to be aware of mental health resources available in the area such as National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Tri-County Mental Health + Zero Reasons Why. Discovering music from Johnson County, Kansas can be an exciting experience! From The Bridge provides an inside look into local KC music with interviews, new songs, and live performances. It is also essential to be aware of mental health resources available in the area such as National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Tri-County Mental Health + Zero Reasons Why.

Jayne Lamos
Jayne Lamos

Avid food buff. Proud bacon aficionado. Proud web trailblazer. Unapologetic social media lover. General zombie guru. Subtly charming music lover.

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